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Bridge concept

To make use of any schema, uniforms have to create a bridge of it - a unified schema mapper. The Bridge class is an abstract class, which should be extended to create custom bridges. It implements all of the required methods and throws an error with meaningful "method not implemented" error.

export abstract class Bridge {
// Each bridge can have a different set of parameters.
constructor(...args: any[]);

* Get an error for field `name` out of `error`. There is no standarized
* format, but fields treat truthy values as a sign of being invalid. Fields
* receive this as a `error` guaranteed prop.
getError(name: string, error: unknown): unknown;

* Get an error message for field `name` out of `error`. If there is no error,
* return an empty string. Fields receive this as a `errorMessage` guaranteed
* prop.
getErrorMessage(name: string, error: unknown): string;

* Get all error messages from `error`. Only `ErrorsField` make use of that
* (in builtin themes).
getErrorMessages(error: unknown): string[];

* Get internal field definition for field `name`. Fields receive this as a
* `field` guaranteed prop. There is no standarized field format. Most bridges
* use it as a common object, used in calculation of initial values, props,
* and types.
getField(name: string): unknown;

* Get initial value of field `name`. It is used as a default when no value is
* set (e.g. the form is rendered with an empty `model`). Additionally,
* `props` are this field instance props. If a field is rendered multiple
* times, this function will be called multiple times, possibly with different
* `props`.
getInitialValue(name: string): unknown;

* Get initial model value recursively.
getInitialModel(): UnknownObject;
return initialModel;

* Get props defined in schema for a field `name`. There are no required nor
* banned fields, however properties like `required` are often available.
getProps(name: string): UnknownObject;

* Get a list of subfields of field `name` or top-level fields, if no `name`
* is passed.
getSubfields(name?: string): string[];

* There is no standarized field type format. However, `AutoField` component
* will work correctly only with standard JavaScript constructors, like
* `String` or `Number`.
getType(name: string): unknown;

* Get a validator function. The `options` here are from the `validator` prop
* of the form. A validator function receives a model and returns an error or
* a promise that will resolve (not reject!) with an error. If there is no
* error, return (or resolve with) a `null` value instead.
getValidator(options?: unknown): (model: UnknownObject) => unknown;