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Custom form

In uniforms, every form is just an injectable set of functionalities. Thus, we can live without many higher order components, using composed ones instead. If you want to get a deeper dive into it, we encourage you to read the source of AutoForm or QuickForm in the core package.


import { BaseForm } from 'uniforms';

const Modifier = parent =>
class extends parent {
// Expose injector.
// It's not required, but recommended.
static Modifier = Modifier;

// Alter component display name.
// It's not required, but recommended.
static displayName = `Modifier${parent.displayName}`;

// Here you can override any form methods or create additional ones.
getModel(mode) {
if (mode === 'submit') {
const doc = super.getModel('submit');
const keys = this.getContextSchema().getSubfields();

const update = keys.filter(key => doc[key] !== undefined);
const remove = keys.filter(key => doc[key] === undefined);

// It's a good idea to omit empty modifiers.
const $set = update.reduce(
(acc, key) => ({ ...acc, [key]: doc[key] }),
const $unset = remove.reduce((acc, key) => ({ ...acc, [key]: '' }), {});

return { $set, $unset };

return super.getModel(mode);

// Now we have to inject our functionality. This one is a ModifierForm. Use any
// form component you want.
const ModifierForm = Modifier(BaseForm);