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uniforms provide a set of predefined components that can be used as form fields.

The list below contains a guaranteed set of fields, implemented in every theme package:

AutoFieldAutomatically renders a given field.
AutoFieldsAutomatically renders given fields.
DateFieldHTML5 date or datetime-local input.
ErrorFieldError message for a given field.
ErrorsFieldError message with a list of validation errors.
HiddenFieldHidden field (with a possibility to omit in DOM).
ListAddFieldAn icon with action to add a list item.
ListDelFieldAn icon with action to remove a list item.
ListFieldList of nested fields.
ListItemFieldSingle list item wrapper.
NestFieldBlock of nested fields.
NumFieldNumeric input.
RadioFieldRadio checkbox.
SelectFieldSelect (or set of radio checkboxes).
SubmitFieldSubmit button.
TextFieldText (or any HTML5 compatible) input.



AutoField is basically a field renderer - it will render a field of a type adequate to the one defined in the schema, according to the AutoField algorithm. You can also directly pass a component to it (by a component prop). All additional props will be passed to the result field component.

componentField according to the AutoField algorithmComponent to render
name-Name of the field in the schema
Props usage:
import { AutoField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';

<AutoField component={MyComponent} />;


AutoFields is basically a set of rendered AutoFields. By default, the rendered fields will be AutoField in a chosen theme. However, you can replace the standard AutoField with AutoField.componentDetectorContext.

The element property defines a wrapping component. E.g. you want to group your fields inside a section, just do element="section". The default one is div.

elementdivFields wrapper
fieldsAll schema fieldsList of fields to render
omitFields[]List of fields to omit
Props usage:
import { AutoFields } from 'uniforms-unstyled';

fields={['fieldA', 'fieldB']}
omitFields={['fieldA', 'fieldB']}


A checkbox.

NameDescriptionAvailable in
appearanceField appearance. Set to "toggle" to appear as a Material Toggle or to "checkbox" (or leave it undefined) to use a Checkbox appearance.material, mui
extraExtra feedback text. In the antd theme, this renders additional help text below any validation messages.antd
helpHelp text. Some description would be great, huh?antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5
helpClassNameHelp block className. Some description would be great, huh?bootstrap4, bootstrap5
inlineCheckbox inline state. In bootstrap themes, a label is rendered as a text but in inline mode, it's treated as a field label.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
inputClassNameInput wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
inputRefSetting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref, use this prop instead.All
labelBeforeLeft label. In bootstrap themes, label is rendered on the right side of a checkbox. This label is rendered above the field.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
labelClassNameLabel className. A custom className for the field's label.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
labelColField layout. The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset.antd
showInlineErrorField inline error. Some description would be great, huh?antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic
wrapClassNameField and surroundings wrap className. Some description would be great, huh?bootstrap4, bootstrap5
wrapperColField layout. The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol.antd
Props usage:
import { BoolField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
import { useRef } from 'react'

const inputRef = useRef();

appearance="checkbox" // Renders a material-ui Checkbox
appearance="toggle" // Renders a material-ui Toggle
extra="Extra Feedback or Help"
help="Need help?"
helpClassName="a b c"
inputClassName="a b c"
labelClassName="a b c" // You can either specify them as a single string
labelClassName={[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]} // or as an array of strings
labelCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on label
labelCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on label
wrapClassName="a b c"
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on field
wrapperCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on field


NameDescriptionAvailable in
extraExtra feedback text. In the antd theme, this renders additional help text below any validation messages.antd
helpHelp text. Some description would be great, huh?antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5
helpClassNameHelp block className. Some description would be great, huh?bootstrap4, bootstrap5
iconInput icon. Semantic inputs can have an icon. By default, it's placed on the right side - to place it on the left, use iconLeft prop instead.semantic
iconLeftSemantic inputs can have an icon. With this prop, it's placed on the left side - to place it on the right, use icon prop instead.semantic
iconPropsInput icon props. Semantic inputs can have an icon. These props are passed directly to the icon element.semantic
inputClassNameInput wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
inputRefSetting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref, use this prop instead.All
labelClassNameLabel className. A custom className for the field's label.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
labelColField layout. The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset.antd
labelPropsProps for the InputLabelmaterial, mui
maxMaximum value. Date object.All
minMinimal value. Date object.All
showInlineErrorField inline error. Some description would be great, huh?antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic
timeFormatDisplay time picker in ampm (12hr) format or 24hr format.material, mui
typeDisplay date and time or date only picker. Format value according to its typeAll except antd
wrapClassNameField and surroundings wrap className. In SemanticUI theme, this class name is used on ui input wrapper, so you can pass classes like small, huge, inverted, transparent etc.bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic
wrapperColField layout. The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol.antd
Props usage:
import { DateField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
import { useRef } from 'react'

const inputRef = useRef();

extra="Extra Feedback or Help"
help="Need help?"
helpClassName="a b c"
iconProps={{onClick() {}}}
inputClassName="a b c"
labelClassName="a b c" // You can either specify them as a single string
labelClassName={[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]} // or as an array of strings
labelCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on label
labelCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on label
labelProps={{shrink: true, disableAnimation: true}}
max={new Date(2100, 1, 1)}
min={new Date(2000, 1, 1)}
wrapClassName="a b c"
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on field
wrapperCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on field


Error message renderer.

childrenCustom content. By default, it will render a block with the error message (if any), but you can customize the content.
nameTarget field. This field error should be used.
Props usage:
import { ErrorField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';

<ErrorField children={children} name="field" />;


Error messages renderer.

childrenCustom content. By default, it will render a block with the error messages (if any), but you can customize the content.
Props usage:
import { ErrorsField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';

<ErrorsField children={children} />;


nameField name. Used for identification. It should match your schema - if not, it will throw an error.
valueField value. This field has completely different semantics. When a value is set, then it's updating a current model instead of being passed to the field.
Props usage:
import { HiddenField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';

<HiddenField name="field" value={value} />;


NameDescriptionAvailable in
addIconIcon. By default, glyphicon is used.bootstrap4, bootstrap5

Note: This is one of internal components of ListField.

Props usage:
import { ListAddField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';

<ListAddField addIcon={<MyAddIcon />} />;


NameDescriptionAvailable in
removeIconIcon. By default, glyphicon is used.bootstrap4, bootstrap5

Note: This is one of internal components of ListField.

Props usage:
import { ListDelField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';

<ListDelField removeIcon={<MyRemoveIcon />} />;


NameDefaultDescriptionAvailable in
addIconglyphiconIcon. It's passed to the ListAddField.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
initialCount-Initial items count. At least this amount of fields will be rendered at the beginning.All
itemProps-ListItemField props. These props are passed to the ListItemField.All
removeIconglyphiconIcon. It's passed to the ListDelField.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
showInlineErrorField inline error. Some description would be great, huh?bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic
Props usage:
import { ListField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';

addIcon={<MyAddIcon />}
/* ... */
removeIcon={<MyRemoveIcon />}


NameDefaultDescriptionAvailable in
removeIconglyphiconIcon. It's passed to the ListDelField.bootstrap4, bootstrap5

Note: This is one of internal components of ListField.

Props usage:
import { ListItemField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';

<ListItemField removeIcon={<MyRemoveIcon />} />;


A textarea.

NameDescriptionAvailable in
extraExtra feedback text. In the antd theme, this renders additional help text below any validation messages.antd
helpHelp text. Some description would be great, huh?antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5
helpClassNameHelp block className. Some description would be great, huh?bootstrap4, bootstrap5
iconInput icon. Semantic inputs can have an icon. By default, it's placed on the right side - to place it on the left, use iconLeft prop instead.semantic
iconLeftSemantic inputs can have an icon. With this prop, it's placed on the left side - to place it on the right, use icon prop instead.semantic
iconPropsInput icon props. Semantic inputs can have an icon. These props are passed directly to the icon element.semantic
inputClassNameInput wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
inlineCheckbox inline state. In bootstrap themes, a label is rendered as a text but in inline mode, it's treated as a field label.bootstrap4
inputRefSetting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref, use this prop instead.All
labelBeforeLeft label. In bootstrap themes, label is rendered on the right side of a checkbox. This label is rendered above the field.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
labelClassNameLabel className. A custom className for the field's label.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
labelColField layout. The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset.antd
showInlineErrorField inline error. Some description would be great, huh?antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic
wrapperColField layout. The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol.antd
wrapClassNameField and surroundings wrap className. Some description would be great, huh?bootstrap4, bootstrap5
Props usage:
import { LongTextField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
import { useRef } from 'react'

const inputRef = useRef();

extra="Extra Feedback or Help"
help="Need help?"
helpClassName="a b c"
iconProps={{onClick() {}}}
inputClassName="a b c"
labelClassName="a b c" // You can either specify them as a single string
labelClassName={[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]} // or as an array of strings
labelCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on label
labelCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on label
wrapClassName="a b c"
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on field
wrapperCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on field


NameDescriptionAvailable in
fieldsArray of rendered fields. If no custom content provided, only those fields are rendered. By default, All of nested fields are rendered.All
groupedAdd / remove "grouped" class from the field. In Semantic, fields can be grouped using this class. By default, this class is added to the NestField.semantic
showInlineErrorField inline error. Some description would be great, huh?antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic
Props usage:
import { NestField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';

<NestField fields={['fieldA', 'fieldB' /* ... */]} grouped showInlineError />;


A numeric input field.

NameDescriptionAvailable in
decimalDecimal mode. This will change value step from 1 to 0.01.All
extraExtra feedback text. In the antd theme, this renders additional help text below any validation messages.antd
helpHelp text. Some description would be great, huh?antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5
helpClassNameHelp block className. Some description would be great, huh?bootstrap4, bootstrap5
iconInput icon. Semantic inputs can have an icon. By default, it's placed on the right side - to place it on the left, use iconLeft prop instead.semantic
iconLeftSemantic inputs can have an icon. With this prop, it's placed on the left side - to place it on the right, use icon prop instead.semantic
iconPropsInput icon props. Semantic inputs can have an icon. These props are passed directly to the icon element.semantic
inputClassNameInput wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
inlineCheckbox inline state. In bootstrap themes, a label is rendered as a text but in inline mode, it's treated as a field label.bootstrap4
inputRefSetting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref, use this prop instead.All
labelBeforeLeft label. In bootstrap themes, label is rendered on the right side of a checkbox. This label is rendered above the field.bootstrap4
labelClassNameLabel className. A custom className for the field's label.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
labelColField layout. The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset.antd
maxMaximum value. Date object.All
minMinimal value. Date object.All
showInlineErrorField inline error. Some description would be great, huh?antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic
stepInput step.All
wrapperColField layout. The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol.antd
wrapClassNameField and surroundings wrap className. Some description would be great, huh?bootstrap4, bootstrap5
Props usage:
import { NumField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
import { useRef } from 'react'

const inputRef = useRef();

extra="Extra Feedback or Help"
help="Need help?"
helpClassName="a b c"
iconProps={{onClick() {}}}
inputClassName="a b c"
labelClassName="a b c" // You can either specify them as a single string
labelClassName={[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]} // or as an array of strings
labelCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on label
labelCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on label
wrapClassName="a b c"
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on field
wrapperCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on field


NameDescriptionAvailable in
inlineCheckbox inline state. In bootstrap themes, a label is rendered as a text but in inline mode, it's treated as a field label.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
optionsOptions. It can be either an object or an array (or a function, that returns it).All
labelColField layout. The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset.antd
wrapperColField layout. The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol.antd
inputClassNameInput wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
labelClassNameLabel className. A custom className for the field's label.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
showInlineErrorField inline error. Some description would be great, huh?antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic
Props usage:
import { RadioField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';

inputClassName="a b c"
labelClassName="a b c" // You can either specify them as a single string
labelClassName={[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]} // or as an array of strings
labelCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on label
labelCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on label
options={[{ label: 'A', value: 'a' }, { label: 'B', value: 'b' }, /* ... */]}
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on field
wrapperCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on field


NameDescriptionAvailable in
appearanceField appearance. Set to "toggle" to appear as a Material Toggle or to "checkbox" (or leave it undefined) to use a Checkbox appearance.material, mui
checkboxesTurn on checkbox/radio mode. It's always true in multiple (i.e. fieldType === Array) mode.All
disableItemDisable items (options) based on a given predicate.All
extraExtra feedback text. In the antd theme, this renders additional help text below any validation messages.antd
helpHelp text. Some description would be great, huh?antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5
helpClassNameHelp block className. Some description would be great, huh?bootstrap4, bootstrap5
inlineCheckbox inline state. In bootstrap themes, a label is rendered as a text but in inline mode, it's treated as a field label.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
inputClassNameInput wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
inputRefSetting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref, use this prop instead.All
labelClassNameLabel className. A custom className for the field's label.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
labelColField layout. The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset.antd
labelPropsProps for the InputLabelmaterial, mui
optionsOptions. It can be either an object or an array (or a function, that returns it).All
showInlineErrorField inline error. Some description would be great, huh?antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic
wrapperColField layout. The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol.antd
wrapClassNameField and surroundings wrap className. Some description would be great, huh?bootstrap4, bootstrap5
textFieldPropsProps injected directly to TextField ( valid only for non-checkbox SelectField ).material, mui
Props usage:
import { SelectField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
import { useRef } from 'react'

const inputRef = useRef();

disableItem={value => value % 2}
extra="Extra Feedback or Help"
help="Need help?"
helpClassName="a b c"
inputClassName="a b c"
labelClassName="a b c" // You can either specify them as a single string
labelClassName={[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]} // or as an array of strings
labelCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on label
labelCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on label
labelProps={{shrink: true, disableAnimation: true}}
options={[{ label: 'A', value: 'a' }, { label: 'B', value: 'b' }, /* ... */]}
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on field
wrapperCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on field


NameDescriptionAvailable in
inputClassNameInput wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
inputRefSetting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref, use this prop instead.All
Props usage:
import { SubmitField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
import { useRef } from 'react';

const inputRef = useRef();

<SubmitField inputClassName="a b c" inputRef={inputRef} />;


NameDescriptionAvailable in
extraExtra feedback text. In the antd theme, this renders additional help text below any validation messages.antd
helpHelp text. Some description would be great, huh?antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5
helpClassNameHelp block className. Some description would be great, huh?bootstrap4, bootstrap5
iconInput icon. Semantic inputs can have an icon. By default, it's placed on the right side - to place it on the left, use iconLeft prop instead.semantic
iconLeftSemantic inputs can have an icon. With this prop, it's placed on the left side - to place it on the right, use icon prop instead.semantic
iconPropsInput icon props. Semantic inputs can have an icon. These props are passed directly to the icon element.semantic
inputClassNameInput wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
inputRefSetting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref, use this prop instead.All
labelClassNameLabel className. A custom className for the field's label.bootstrap4, bootstrap5
labelColField layout. The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset.antd
showInlineErrorField inline error. Some description would be great, huh?antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic
typeInput type. HTML compatible input type like password. Default is text.All
wrapperColField layout. The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol.antd
wrapClassNameField and surroundings wrap className. Some description would be great, huh?bootstrap4, bootstrap5
Props usage:
import { TextField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
import { useRef } from 'react'

const inputRef = useRef();

extra="Extra Feedback or Help"
help="Need help?"
helpClassName="a b c"
iconProps={{onClick() {}}}
inputClassName="a b c"
labelClassName="a b c" // You can either specify them as a single string
labelClassName={[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]} // or as an array of strings
labelCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on label
labelCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on label
type="password" // Input type. HTML compatible input type like password. Default is text.
wrapClassName="a b c"
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}} // 'ant-col-offset-2' on field
wrapperCol={{span: 4}} // 'ant-col-4' on field

Common props

disabledfalseField disabled state. It's passed directly to the field, but it propagates same as the label.
labeltrueField label. This prop has three modes. If you pass a string, then it will be used as a label. If you pass a null, then it won't have a label, but nested fields will have default labels. If you pass a non-null falsy value, it won't have a label and nested fields won't have labels too.
name-Field name. Used for identification. It should match your schema - if not, it will throw an error.
placeholderfalseField placeholder. If set to true, then a label will be used. Otherwise, it's handled like a label (including propagation).
readOnlyfalseField read-only state. It's passed directly to the field, but it propagates same as the label.
Props usage:
<SomeField disabled={false} label name="field" placeholder={false} />

Props propagation

Few props propagate in a very special way. These are disabled, label, placeholder, and readOnly.


<TextField />                    // default label | no      placeholder
<TextField label="Text" /> // custom label | no placeholder
<TextField label={false} /> // no label | no placeholder
<TextField placeholder /> // default label | default placeholder
<TextField placeholder="Text" /> // default label | custom placeholder

<NestField label={null}> // null = no label but the children have their labels
<TextField />

<NestField label={false}> // false = no label and the children have no labels
<TextField />

<ListField name="authors" disabled> // Additions are disabled...
<ListItemField name="$" disabled> // ...deletion too
<NestField disabled={false} name=""> // ...but editing is not.
<TextField name="name" />
<NumField name="age" />

Note: disabled, label, placeholder, and readOnly are casted to Boolean before being passed to nested fields.