uniforms provide a set of predefined components that can be used as form fields.
The list below contains a guaranteed set of fields, implemented in every theme package:
Component | Description |
AutoField | Automatically renders a given field. |
AutoFields | Automatically renders given fields. |
BoolField | Checkbox. |
DateField | HTML5 date or datetime-local input. |
ErrorField | Error message for a given field. |
ErrorsField | Error message with a list of validation errors. |
HiddenField | Hidden field (with a possibility to omit in DOM). |
ListAddField | An icon with action to add a list item. |
ListDelField | An icon with action to remove a list item. |
ListField | List of nested fields. |
ListItemField | Single list item wrapper. |
LongTextField | Textarea. |
NestField | Block of nested fields. |
NumField | Numeric input. |
RadioField | Radio checkbox. |
SelectField | Select (or set of radio checkboxes). |
SubmitField | Submit button. |
TextField | Text (or any HTML5 compatible) input. |
is basically a field renderer - it will render a field of a type adequate to the one defined in the schema,
according to the AutoField
You can also directly pass a component to it (by a component
All additional props will be passed to the result field component.
Name | Default | Description |
component | Field according to the AutoField algorithm | Component to render |
name | - | Name of the field in the schema |
Props usage:
import { AutoField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
<AutoField component={MyComponent} />;
is basically a set of rendered AutoField
By default, the rendered fields will be AutoField
in a chosen theme.
However, you can replace the standard AutoField
with AutoField.componentDetectorContext
The element
property defines a wrapping component.
E.g. you want to group your fields inside a section, just do element="section"
. The default one is div
Name | Default | Description |
element | div | Fields wrapper |
fields | All schema fields | List of fields to render |
omitFields | [] | List of fields to omit |
Props usage:
import { AutoFields } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
fields={['fieldA', 'fieldB']}
omitFields={['fieldA', 'fieldB']}
A checkbox.
Name | Description | Available in |
appearance | Field appearance. Set to "toggle" to appear as a Material Toggle or to "checkbox" (or leave it undefined) to use a Checkbox appearance. | material, mui |
extra | Extra feedback text. In the antd theme, this renders additional help text below any validation messages. | antd |
help | Help text. Some description would be great, huh? | antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
helpClassName | Help block className. Some description would be great, huh? | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
inline | Checkbox inline state. In bootstrap themes, a label is rendered as a text but in inline mode, it's treated as a field label. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
inputClassName | Input wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
inputRef | Setting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref, use this prop instead. | All |
labelBefore | Left label. In bootstrap themes, label is rendered on the right side of a checkbox. This label is rendered above the field. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
labelClassName | Label className. A custom className for the field's label. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
labelCol | Field layout. The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset. | antd |
showInlineError | Field inline error. Some description would be great, huh? | antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic |
wrapClassName | Field and surroundings wrap className. Some description would be great, huh? | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
wrapperCol | Field layout. The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol. | antd |
Props usage:
import { BoolField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
import { useRef } from 'react'
const inputRef = useRef();
extra="Extra Feedback or Help"
help="Need help?"
helpClassName="a b c"
inputClassName="a b c"
labelClassName="a b c"
labelClassName={[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]}
labelCol={{offset: 2}}
labelCol={{span: 4}}
wrapClassName="a b c"
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}}
wrapperCol={{span: 4}}
Name | Description | Available in |
extra | Extra feedback text. In the antd theme, this renders additional help text below any validation messages. | antd |
help | Help text. Some description would be great, huh? | antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
helpClassName | Help block className. Some description would be great, huh? | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
icon | Input icon. Semantic inputs can have an icon. By default, it's placed on the right side - to place it on the left, use iconLeft prop instead. | semantic |
iconLeft | Semantic inputs can have an icon. With this prop, it's placed on the left side - to place it on the right, use icon prop instead. | semantic |
iconProps | Input icon props. Semantic inputs can have an icon. These props are passed directly to the icon element. | semantic |
inputClassName | Input wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
inputRef | Setting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref, use this prop instead. | All |
labelClassName | Label className. A custom className for the field's label. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
labelCol | Field layout. The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset. | antd |
labelProps | Props for the InputLabel | material, mui |
max | Maximum value. Date object. | All |
min | Minimal value. Date object. | All |
showInlineError | Field inline error. Some description would be great, huh? | antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic |
timeFormat | Display time picker in ampm (12hr) format or 24hr format. | material, mui |
type | Display date and time or date only picker. Format value according to its type | All except antd |
wrapClassName | Field and surroundings wrap className. In SemanticUI theme, this class name is used on ui input wrapper, so you can pass classes like small, huge, inverted, transparent etc. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic |
wrapperCol | Field layout. The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol. | antd |
Props usage:
import { DateField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
import { useRef } from 'react'
const inputRef = useRef();
extra="Extra Feedback or Help"
help="Need help?"
helpClassName="a b c"
iconProps={{onClick() {}}}
inputClassName="a b c"
labelClassName="a b c"
labelClassName={[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]}
labelCol={{offset: 2}}
labelCol={{span: 4}}
labelProps={{shrink: true, disableAnimation: true}}
max={new Date(2100, 1, 1)}
min={new Date(2000, 1, 1)}
wrapClassName="a b c"
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}}
wrapperCol={{span: 4}}
Error message renderer.
Name | Description |
children | Custom content. By default, it will render a block with the error message (if any), but you can customize the content. |
name | Target field. This field error should be used. |
Props usage:
import { ErrorField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
<ErrorField children={children} name="field" />;
Error messages renderer.
Name | Description |
children | Custom content. By default, it will render a block with the error messages (if any), but you can customize the content. |
Props usage:
import { ErrorsField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
<ErrorsField children={children} />;
Name | Description |
name | Field name. Used for identification. It should match your schema - if not, it will throw an error. |
value | Field value. This field has completely different semantics. When a value is set, then it's updating a current model instead of being passed to the field. |
Props usage:
import { HiddenField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
<HiddenField name="field" value={value} />;
Name | Description | Available in |
addIcon | Icon. By default, glyphicon is used. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
Note: This is one of internal components of ListField
Props usage:
import { ListAddField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
<ListAddField addIcon={<MyAddIcon />} />;
Name | Description | Available in |
removeIcon | Icon. By default, glyphicon is used. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
Note: This is one of internal components of ListField
Props usage:
import { ListDelField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
<ListDelField removeIcon={<MyRemoveIcon />} />;
Name | Default | Description | Available in |
addIcon | glyphicon | Icon. It's passed to the ListAddField. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
initialCount | - | Initial items count. At least this amount of fields will be rendered at the beginning. | All |
itemProps | - | ListItemField props. These props are passed to the ListItemField. | All |
removeIcon | glyphicon | Icon. It's passed to the ListDelField. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
showInlineError | | Field inline error. Some description would be great, huh? | bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic |
Props usage:
import { ListField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
addIcon={<MyAddIcon />}
removeIcon={<MyRemoveIcon />}
Name | Default | Description | Available in |
removeIcon | glyphicon | Icon. It's passed to the ListDelField. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
Note: This is one of internal components of ListField
Props usage:
import { ListItemField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
<ListItemField removeIcon={<MyRemoveIcon />} />;
A textarea.
Name | Description | Available in |
extra | Extra feedback text. In the antd theme, this renders additional help text below any validation messages. | antd |
help | Help text. Some description would be great, huh? | antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
helpClassName | Help block className. Some description would be great, huh? | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
icon | Input icon. Semantic inputs can have an icon. By default, it's placed on the right side - to place it on the left, use iconLeft prop instead. | semantic |
iconLeft | Semantic inputs can have an icon. With this prop, it's placed on the left side - to place it on the right, use icon prop instead. | semantic |
iconProps | Input icon props. Semantic inputs can have an icon. These props are passed directly to the icon element. | semantic |
inputClassName | Input wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
inline | Checkbox inline state. In bootstrap themes, a label is rendered as a text but in inline mode, it's treated as a field label. | bootstrap4 |
inputRef | Setting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref, use this prop instead. | All |
labelBefore | Left label. In bootstrap themes, label is rendered on the right side of a checkbox. This label is rendered above the field. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
labelClassName | Label className. A custom className for the field's label. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
labelCol | Field layout. The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset. | antd |
showInlineError | Field inline error. Some description would be great, huh? | antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic |
wrapperCol | Field layout. The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol. | antd |
wrapClassName | Field and surroundings wrap className. Some description would be great, huh? | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
Props usage:
import { LongTextField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
import { useRef } from 'react'
const inputRef = useRef();
extra="Extra Feedback or Help"
help="Need help?"
helpClassName="a b c"
iconProps={{onClick() {}}}
inputClassName="a b c"
labelClassName="a b c"
labelClassName={[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]}
labelCol={{offset: 2}}
labelCol={{span: 4}}
wrapClassName="a b c"
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}}
wrapperCol={{span: 4}}
Name | Description | Available in |
fields | Array of rendered fields. If no custom content provided, only those fields are rendered. By default, All of nested fields are rendered. | All |
grouped | Add / remove "grouped" class from the field. In Semantic, fields can be grouped using this class. By default, this class is added to the NestField. | semantic |
showInlineError | Field inline error. Some description would be great, huh? | antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic |
Props usage:
import { NestField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
<NestField fields={['fieldA', 'fieldB' ]} grouped showInlineError />;
A numeric input field.
Name | Description | Available in |
decimal | Decimal mode. This will change value step from 1 to 0.01. | All |
extra | Extra feedback text. In the antd theme, this renders additional help text below any validation messages. | antd |
help | Help text. Some description would be great, huh? | antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
helpClassName | Help block className. Some description would be great, huh? | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
icon | Input icon. Semantic inputs can have an icon. By default, it's placed on the right side - to place it on the left, use iconLeft prop instead. | semantic |
iconLeft | Semantic inputs can have an icon. With this prop, it's placed on the left side - to place it on the right, use icon prop instead. | semantic |
iconProps | Input icon props. Semantic inputs can have an icon. These props are passed directly to the icon element. | semantic |
inputClassName | Input wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
inline | Checkbox inline state. In bootstrap themes, a label is rendered as a text but in inline mode, it's treated as a field label. | bootstrap4 |
inputRef | Setting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref, use this prop instead. | All |
labelBefore | Left label. In bootstrap themes, label is rendered on the right side of a checkbox. This label is rendered above the field. | bootstrap4 |
labelClassName | Label className. A custom className for the field's label. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
labelCol | Field layout. The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset. | antd |
max | Maximum value. Date object. | All |
min | Minimal value. Date object. | All |
showInlineError | Field inline error. Some description would be great, huh? | antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic |
step | Input step. | All |
wrapperCol | Field layout. The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol. | antd |
wrapClassName | Field and surroundings wrap className. Some description would be great, huh? | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
Props usage:
import { NumField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
import { useRef } from 'react'
const inputRef = useRef();
extra="Extra Feedback or Help"
help="Need help?"
helpClassName="a b c"
iconProps={{onClick() {}}}
inputClassName="a b c"
labelClassName="a b c"
labelClassName={[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]}
labelCol={{offset: 2}}
labelCol={{span: 4}}
wrapClassName="a b c"
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}}
wrapperCol={{span: 4}}
Name | Description | Available in |
inline | Checkbox inline state. In bootstrap themes, a label is rendered as a text but in inline mode, it's treated as a field label. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
options | Options. It can be either an object or an array (or a function, that returns it). | All |
labelCol | Field layout. The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset. | antd |
wrapperCol | Field layout. The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol. | antd |
inputClassName | Input wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
labelClassName | Label className. A custom className for the field's label. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
showInlineError | Field inline error. Some description would be great, huh? | antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic |
Props usage:
import { RadioField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
inputClassName="a b c"
labelClassName="a b c"
labelClassName={[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]}
labelCol={{offset: 2}}
labelCol={{span: 4}}
options={[{ label: 'A', value: 'a' }, { label: 'B', value: 'b' }, ]}
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}}
wrapperCol={{span: 4}}
Name | Description | Available in |
appearance | Field appearance. Set to "toggle" to appear as a Material Toggle or to "checkbox" (or leave it undefined) to use a Checkbox appearance. | material, mui |
checkboxes | Turn on checkbox/radio mode. It's always true in multiple (i.e. fieldType === Array) mode. | All |
disableItem | Disable items (options) based on a given predicate. | All |
extra | Extra feedback text. In the antd theme, this renders additional help text below any validation messages. | antd |
help | Help text. Some description would be great, huh? | antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
helpClassName | Help block className. Some description would be great, huh? | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
inline | Checkbox inline state. In bootstrap themes, a label is rendered as a text but in inline mode, it's treated as a field label. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
inputClassName | Input wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
inputRef | Setting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref, use this prop instead. | All |
labelClassName | Label className. A custom className for the field's label. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
labelCol | Field layout. The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset. | antd |
labelProps | Props for the InputLabel | material, mui |
options | Options. It can be either an object or an array (or a function, that returns it). | All |
showInlineError | Field inline error. Some description would be great, huh? | antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic |
wrapperCol | Field layout. The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol. | antd |
wrapClassName | Field and surroundings wrap className. Some description would be great, huh? | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
textFieldProps | Props injected directly to TextField ( valid only for non-checkbox SelectField ). | material, mui |
Props usage:
import { SelectField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
import { useRef } from 'react'
const inputRef = useRef();
disableItem={value => value % 2}
extra="Extra Feedback or Help"
help="Need help?"
helpClassName="a b c"
inputClassName="a b c"
labelClassName="a b c"
labelClassName={[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]}
labelCol={{offset: 2}}
labelCol={{span: 4}}
labelProps={{shrink: true, disableAnimation: true}}
options={[{ label: 'A', value: 'a' }, { label: 'B', value: 'b' }, ]}
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}}
wrapperCol={{span: 4}}
Name | Description | Available in |
inputClassName | Input wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
inputRef | Setting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref, use this prop instead. | All |
Props usage:
import { SubmitField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
import { useRef } from 'react';
const inputRef = useRef();
<SubmitField inputClassName="a b c" inputRef={inputRef} />;
Name | Description | Available in |
extra | Extra feedback text. In the antd theme, this renders additional help text below any validation messages. | antd |
help | Help text. Some description would be great, huh? | antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
helpClassName | Help block className. Some description would be great, huh? | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
icon | Input icon. Semantic inputs can have an icon. By default, it's placed on the right side - to place it on the left, use iconLeft prop instead. | semantic |
iconLeft | Semantic inputs can have an icon. With this prop, it's placed on the left side - to place it on the right, use icon prop instead. | semantic |
iconProps | Input icon props. Semantic inputs can have an icon. These props are passed directly to the icon element. | semantic |
inputClassName | Input wrapper class name. In bootstrap themes, passed className is used on field block. This is used on direct field wrapper. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
inputRef | Setting ref prop to a field won't work as desired, because you'll receive a field component rather than an HTML input. If you need an input ref, use this prop instead. | All |
labelClassName | Label className. A custom className for the field's label. | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
labelCol | Field layout. The layout of label. You can set span and/or offset. | antd |
showInlineError | Field inline error. Some description would be great, huh? | antd, bootstrap4, bootstrap5, semantic |
type | Input type. HTML compatible input type like password. Default is text. | All |
wrapperCol | Field layout. The layout for input controls. Same as labelCol. | antd |
wrapClassName | Field and surroundings wrap className. Some description would be great, huh? | bootstrap4, bootstrap5 |
Props usage:
import { TextField } from 'uniforms-unstyled';
import { useRef } from 'react'
const inputRef = useRef();
extra="Extra Feedback or Help"
help="Need help?"
helpClassName="a b c"
iconProps={{onClick() {}}}
inputClassName="a b c"
labelClassName="a b c"
labelClassName={[ 'a', 'b', 'c' ]}
labelCol={{offset: 2}}
labelCol={{span: 4}}
wrapClassName="a b c"
wrapperCol={{offset: 2}}
wrapperCol={{span: 4}}
Common props
Name | Default | Description |
disabled | false | Field disabled state. It's passed directly to the field, but it propagates same as the label. |
label | true | Field label. This prop has three modes. If you pass a string, then it will be used as a label. If you pass a null, then it won't have a label, but nested fields will have default labels. If you pass a non-null falsy value, it won't have a label and nested fields won't have labels too. |
name | - | Field name. Used for identification. It should match your schema - if not, it will throw an error. |
placeholder | false | Field placeholder. If set to true, then a label will be used. Otherwise, it's handled like a label (including propagation). |
readOnly | false | Field read-only state. It's passed directly to the field, but it propagates same as the label. |
Props usage:
<SomeField disabled={false} label name="field" placeholder={false} />
Props propagation
Few props propagate in a very special way. These are disabled
, label
, placeholder
, and readOnly
<TextField />
<TextField label="Text" />
<TextField label={false} />
<TextField placeholder />
<TextField placeholder="Text" />
<NestField label={null}> // null = no label but the children have their labels
<TextField />
<NestField label={false}> // false = no label and the children have no labels
<TextField />
<ListField name="authors" disabled> // Additions are disabled...
<ListItemField name="$" disabled> // ...deletion too
<NestField disabled={false} name=""> // ...but editing is not.
<TextField name="name" />
<NumField name="age" />
Note: disabled
, label
, placeholder
, and readOnly
are casted to Boolean
before being passed to nested fields.