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To make use of any schema, uniforms have to create a bridge of it - a unified schema mapper.

Currently available bridges:

Deprecated bridges:

If you see a lot of Warning: Unknown props... logs, check if your schema or theme doesn't provide extra props. If so, consider registering it with filterDOMProps.


import Ajv from 'ajv';
import { JSONSchemaBridge } from 'uniforms-bridge-json-schema';

const ajv = new Ajv({ allErrors: true, useDefaults: true });

const schema = {
title: 'Person',
type: 'object',
properties: {
firstName: { type: 'string' },
lastName: { type: 'string' },
age: {
description: 'Age in years',
type: 'integer',
minimum: 0,
required: ['firstName', 'lastName'],

function createValidator(schema: object) {
const validator = ajv.compile(schema);

return (model: object) => {
return validator.errors?.length ? { details: validator.errors } : null;

const validator = createValidator(schema);

const bridge = new JSONSchemaBridge({ schema, validator });

Note on allOf/anyOf/oneOf

The current handling of allOf/anyOf/oneOf is not complete and does not work with all possible cases. For an in-detail discussion, see #863. How it works, is that only a few properties are being used:

  • properties, where all subfields are merged (last definition wins),
  • required, where all properties are accumulated, and
  • type, where the first one is being used.

Below is an example of these implications:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
// This will render `NumField` WITHOUT `min` nor `max` properties.
// It will be properly validated, but without any UI guidelines.
"foo": {
"type": "number",
"allOf": [{ "minimum": 0 }, { "maximum": 10 }]
// This will render as `TextField`.
"bar": {
"oneOf": [{ "type": "string" }, { "type": "number" }]

Note on Bluebird

If you're using the bluebird package, you may have seen the following warning (docs):

Warning: a promise was rejected with a non-error [object Object]

There could be multiple causes of this error. One of it is not returning a proper error object.

In order to fix it, your validator function should return a Error-like object instead of an object with a single details property. The cleanest would be to create a custom ValidationError class:

import { ErrorObject } from 'ajv';

class ValidationError extends Error {
name = 'ValidationError';

constructor(public details: ErrorObject[]) {

// Usage.
return validator.errors?.length ? new ValidationError(validator.errors) : null;

Another cause of this error may be two different implementations of the Promise object when using an asynchronous validate function. Ensure that you are returning the same Promise object implementation that Bluebird is expecting. The simplest way to do that should be to avoid using the async keyword and instead make the function return a Promise instead.

See #1047 for more details.


import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema';
import SimpleSchema2Bridge from 'uniforms-bridge-simple-schema-2';

const schema = new SimpleSchema({
// ...

aboutMe: {
type: String,
uniforms: MyText, // Component...
uniforms: {
// ...or object...
component: MyText, // ...with component...
propA: 1, // ...and/or extra props.

const bridge = new SimpleSchema2Bridge({ schema });


import ZodBridge from 'uniforms-bridge-zod';
import z from 'zod';

const schema = z.object({ aboutMe: z.string() });

const bridge = new ZodBridge({ schema });

## `ZodBridge`

import ZodBridge from 'uniforms-bridge-zod';
import z from 'zod';

const schema = z.object({ aboutMe: z.string() });

const bridge = new ZodBridge({ schema });