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A React library for building forms from any schema

  • support of all schemas and themes
  • instant prototyping
  • simplifies separation of concerns

Supported design libraries:

Semantic UIAnt DesignMUIBootstrap
const schema = new SimpleSchema({
firstName: { type: String },
lastName: { type: String },
country: {
type: String,
allowedValues: ['Poland', 'England'],
defaultValue: 'Poland',
state: {
type: String,
optional: true,
useThisAddressForPaymentDetails: {
type: Boolean,
defaultValue: false,
addressLine: { type: String },
city: { type: String },
zip: { type: String },

export const bridge = new SimpleSchema2Bridge({ schema });

Always Open Source.

React form library
trusted by GitHub community

They speak about us


Why choose us

Easy and ready
to implement solution

A set of open-source libraries capable of instantly generating any given form in React.

Carried out by the global community of 50+ developers.

Focused on providing a ready-to-implement solution, and effortless development experience. Keeps your code simple.

Integrations with various schemas:

  • JSON Schema
  • GraphQL
  • SimpleSchema
  • SimpleSchema2
  • Zod
  • And any other - only a small wrapper is needed!

Wide range of themes:

  • AntD theme
  • Bootstrap4
  • Bootstrap5
  • MUI
  • Semantic UI
  • Plain HTML
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yet powerful

  • Abbreviates form code by 51%
  • Out-of-the box built-in fields capable of rendering every schema
  • Automatic state management
  • Inline and asynchronous form validation
  • Clean-looking components while keeping extensibility and separation of concerns


  • One-line helper for creating custom fields
  • Supports all types of objects
  • Freedom of choice when defining custom fields depending on the abstraction level-schema or theme dependent approach
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If You want to know more – join us at GitHub Discussions!

DeskproNokiaReact PageGraphbackOnyx oneAerogearClever BeagleOrion.jsBoulder Care


Who uses uniforms

Our package has been used in several projects worldwide. From small to the corporate business solutions and well-known enterprises. Companies trusted us in the development of both simple forms and sophisticated management systems.

with similar libraries

FeatureuniformsFormikredux-formReact Final Formreact-hook-form
Automatic form layoutsupportedunsupportedunsupportedunsupportedunsupported
Manual state managementsupportedunsupportedsupportedunsupportedsupported
Manually trigger validationsupportedsupportedunsupportedunsupportedsupported
AntD, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 5, Material, MUI, Semantic UI themessupportedunsupportedunsupportedunsupportedunsupported
JSON, GraphQL, SimpleSchema, Zod and custom schema supportsupportedunsupportedunsupportedunsupportedunsupported
Field level validationunsupportedsupportedsupportedsupportedsupported
Forminer UI

Commercial support


A commercial implementation of uniforms, which can save you up to 1500 hours of work.

  • Ideal for building no-code tools - thanks to a schema-first approach
  • Package - easy to integrate with your project and design system
  • Powerful solution - custom fields, full state machine
  • Good level of support - based on our popular OS solution, uniforms