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Migrating v3 to v4

This guide is designed to help you through the migration. If you went through it and encountered any problems - do let us know. For more information on why certain changes were made, see the When migrating to v4, use the newest version. Gradual updates will take more time and won't ease this process.

Breaking API changes

  • AutoFields component in all themes now renders a React.Fragment instead of a div. Explicitly render a wrapper component around if you need one.
  • Dropped support for initialCount in bridges and ListFields. Pass a model object to the form with the appropriate amount of initial items instead.
  • Removed the autoField prop from QuickForm, AutoForm, and AutoFields components in all themes. Use AutoField.componentDetectorContext.Provider instead.
  • componentDetector in AutoField components now always takes precedence over component property on a schema. This may make your AutoField render a different component when you were using both previously. If that's the case, move your schema's component definition to a AutoField.componentDetectorContext.Provider instead.
  • The constructors for all our bridges now accept an object (e.g., {schema, validator}) instead of individual parameters. This applies to SimpleSchema2Bridge, JSONSchemaBridge, and ZodBridge. Please update your constructor calls accordingly.
  • getInitialValue returns empty array or object instead of undefined for ListField and NestField.
  • Bridge.getProps method accepts only name argument now. Additional arguments are no longer supported.
  • Replaced allowedValues with options prop
  • AntD theme uses v5 of antd package. Update your project to use v5 of antd package.
  • MUI theme uses v6 of @mui/material package. Update your project to use v6 of @mui/material package.
  • Initial render doesn't trigger individual field onChange functions anymore. #1343

Deprecated packages

The following packages are deprecated and are no longer supported in v4.0.0.

  • Deprecate uniforms-bootstrap3 package
  • Deprecate uniforms-material package
  • Deprecate uniforms-bridge-simple-schema package
  • Deprecate uniforms-bridge-graphql package

If you want to continue using these packages, we recommend staying with uniforms v3, as we don't guarantee they will work with the newer versions. You can use the following commands to download the 3.10.2 version of the package:

npx gitget<uniforms-package-name>